Thursday, June 29, 2006

operation: vegas 2k8

I think it's time to lay out a real plan of action to get to Vegas. And by "get to Vegas," I don't mean a vacation. I go there all the time for that. No. I mean "get to Vegas" and stay there. Permanently.

I'm ready. But for the job, that is.

This is sort of a personal post among posts about the gaming community and such, but that's what this is all about; to position myself to work for the gaming industry in Las Vegas. I want to use this blog as an exercise in monitoring, tracking and discussing what's happening out there -- the economy, business community, local politics, social scene, and so on. This is all a not-so-subtle ramp-up to move out there.

My unofficial goal is 2k8. That means, at minimum, I've got about 18 months to get my shizzle togizzle so I can move to Las Vizzle (or is it Vegizzle? I forget).

I need to figure out a few things:
* Cost of renting/buying a house
* Cost of moving
* How much I want/need to bank between now and 2k8

I won't move unless I have a job.

What I'm going to do first is work a few contacts for potential networking. I would rather get noticed via contacts who know folks. I'll be meeting up with my Vegas-connected friend prior to my next trip out there in a few months. I'd like to meet some of those people and let 'em know I exist and known what the hell I'm doing.

Anyway, sorry for the personal session here. Rest assured that won't happen too much. I just wanted to get it out there that I am angling to move to Las Vegas in two years...or less.

As you were.