Sunday, March 18, 2007

how will the blue-hairs adjust to this?

Are slot machines about to get (another) facelift? From the AP:

High-tech slots could transform gambling

By RACHEL KONRAD, AP Technology Writer

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif. - Engineers at PureDepth Inc. spent years developing tools for helping the military plot 3-D maps of war zones, eventually licensing top-secret technology to the U.S. Air Force and Navy.

But the Silicon Valley startup hit the jackpot in October when it inked a deal with International Game Technology Inc., the world's largest maker of slot machines.

Industry experts say a realistic digital video display is the final hurdle that will completely digitize one-armed bandits. The new displays by PureDepth and others — set to debut later this year — could profoundly change the $85 billion U.S. gambling industry and how it's regulated.
Read more.