Sunday, July 08, 2007

comin' up sevens.

Apparently, lots of folks were feeling lucky (in one way or another) this weekend in Vegas. Hmm...I wonder why. From the Las Vegas Review Journal:

7/7/07 adds up to lots of love: Couples, gamblers like their chances


If there ever was a day made for Vegas, 7/7/07 was it.

Let the rest of the world spend the day worrying about global warming. This is Las Vegas, where two of its signature activities -- gambling and fast weddings -- got a boost on Saturday from triple sevens.

Thousands of couples got hitched, and industry leaders predicted 7/7/07 is likely to shatter records for the number of nuptials.

The gaming tally won't be known for weeks. Likewise for the number of newly betrothed.

But the line of cars waiting at the downtown drive-through A Special Memory Wedding Chapel stretched down the block.
Read more.

See, I'm a "retired" dice dealer. In my game, sevens are bad...very bad.